FRAME ARMS GIRL【フレームアームズ・ガール】

  • いいね!

STORY あらすじ

Ao, caught a cold/With you, Tomorrow

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Ao, caught a cold
The FA Girls are looking after Ao after she has caught a cold
They try many different cures to get Ao well, but somehow it became a competition.
With the FA Girls meddling, it seems like Ao won't be getting well soon...

With you, Tomorrow
Somehow, the FA Girls became the same size as Ao and go to the same high school as her
Gourai, Baselard, Stylet and Jinrai are in the same grades, the Materia Sisters are their teachers, midway though the semester, Architect, transfers in as a transfer student.
What is with this situation?!?

Director : Keiichiro Kawaguchi
Script : Isana Kakimura
Storyboard : Takashi Yamamoto
Production : Takashi Yamamoto
Animation Director : Yasunari Nitta/Daisuke Kitagawa/
                              Takao Takegami/Taiichi Nakaguma/Atsuko Takahashi