FRAME ARMS GIRL【フレームアームズ・ガール】

  • いいね!

STORY あらすじ

Behind those feelings/Public Baths! Battle!?

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Behind those feelings
Ao decides to head down to Factory Advance to meet Hresvelgr
"I want to fight Gourai soon!" was what Hresvelgr said.
To Ao, Hresvelgr seems like not a bad girl at heart...

Public Baths! Battle!?
Gourai is all pumped up to battle with Hresvelgr
To calm her down, Ao decides to bring the FA girls to the nearby public baths
FA Girls are weak to water and hence hang out in a virtual bath
On the other hand... Hresvelgr...

Director : Keiichiro Kawaguchi
Script : Isana Kakimura, Deko Akao
Storyboard : Seishirō Nagaya
Production : Seishirō Nagaya
Animation Director : Seishirō Nagaya, Atsuko Takahashi, Daisuke Kitagawa,
                                    Noriko Shimazawa